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Reasons Why Waterproofing Your Basement Is a Must

Advanced Basement Waterproofing • Dec 10, 2020

Protecting your home’s foundation is crucial in maintaining its structural integrity and keeping the members of your household safe. The basement is especially susceptible to damages that can be dangerous, especially when flooded. 

If the foundation has begun to crack, water can flow into the basement and cause rot, which, in the worst cases, has led to houses collapsing. By waterproofing your foundation and basement, you’re saving it from the dangers of mold, other damages, and possibly disastrous consequences. 

What Causes Rotting in the Basement and Foundation? 

rain water inside basement

Water is the main culprit that causes mold and rot in foundations and basements. It builds up in the soil around and under the house, causing it to expand and create cracks and swelling in the foundation. Water then seeps in through these cracks and dampens the walls of your basement, causing mold, musty odors, and poor air quality. Though concrete is sturdy, it isn’t waterproof, making it important to invest in a basement waterproofing service near you. 

How Basements and Foundations Stay Waterproof

basement waterproofing in CT

There are several factors that make your foundation more susceptible to water damage. For instance, a foundation should be built so that water does not pool around it, which can depend on the slope of your home, its location, and how much rainfall you get in your area. 

Planning the waterproofing solutions needed for your home will involve looking at your geographic location, the topography, the area’s climate, soil conditions, and the depth of the home’s foundation. 

There are three ways to prevent water from causing problems in your foundation:

1 - Maintain Drains and Gutters

Drains and gutters work by transporting water away from your home, so ensuring that they are properly flowing is crucial to keeping your foundation safe. They need to push water out far enough so that it does not seep back in the direction of your house and continue to cause issues. 

Wall treatments can also be installed to prevent any moisture from re-entering your basement as well as helping route water drains. 

2 - Ground Surface Treatments

Keeping surface water directed away from the house can also be done with a ground surface treatment placed next to the house. Basements can be waterproofed by plugging up and holes and repairing cracks. You can also insulate your basement walls to help remove moisture, preventing mold growth and needing to get mold removal done. 

However, if none of these steps are keeping water out of your home, then consider calling professionals to waterproof your basement for you. 

3 - Call a Professional

Though you may want to continue with DIY waterproofing methods, calling a professional to address your basement and foundation problems will be far more effective since they have the right tools and knowledge to do the job. The pros will also ensure that your basement’s issues don’t recur, sparing you the extra time, money, and stress that comes with dealing with a wet basement and foundation. 

Invest in professional basement waterproofing

The different parts of a house should be maintained well to keep any damages from developing, including your foundation and basement. By investing in professional basement waterproofing services, you’re future proofing your home for any structural damage that may occur and endanger everybody’s lives. Keeping your home’s foundation strong for many years to come will maintain your property’s value and allow you to live safely and comfortably. 

Here at Advanced Basement Waterproofing, we specialize in complete
basement waterproofing services in MA and throughout CT. Our services also include mold removal, French drain systems, emergency sanitation services, and basement refinishing. Contact us for a free inspection today!

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